An Urdu Musical play "SABZ - Its blowing in the wind" presented by Rose Petal, Hazaar Daastan & Lahore Arts Council.
SABZ - Its blowing in the wind..
SABZ is about us. It talks about us as a nation and our approach toward socio-political issues. The subject is difficult to handle as we are not used to theatre which deals with issues and is interesting at the same time. Rather than sugar-coating the issue, we have tried to shughal-coat the whole scenario. It has dance, it has music and to top it all, it has sense.
A differentiation of this play is that it is different of its kind as the "Cast" has been selected from different University and College students after auditions.I would suggest you that you also do enjoy the taste of multi-talented performance of the performers from diverse backgrounds.
ABZ - Its blowing in the wind!!
Venue: Hall # 2, Lahore Arts Council, Mall Road, Lahore
Dates: 7th January 2011 till 11th January 2011
Passes are free but need to register for passes on Official site
Or Contact 03224011608
Produced by: Umer Hameed
Written & Directed by: Abdullah Farhatullah
Facebook: SABZ - Its blowing in the wind (Play)
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SABZ, SABZ - Its blowing in the wind (Urdu Musical Play), SABZ Urdu Play, SABZ Play, SABZ by Hazaar Daastan, SABZ by Umer Hameed, SABZ Upcoming Play, SABZ an Original Musical Play, Urdu play, SABZ in Lahore, SABZ play in lahore